The results of the Steering Committee meeting


As part of the ongoing work aimed at the Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Programme implementation, the Coordination Committee meeting with the participation of authorized representatives of the European Investment Bank was held in the Ministry of Regional Development on April, 5 2107.

As a result of the meeting, the Programme Procedure Manual (PPM) was approved, which, among other things, specifies the detailed eligibility criteria for subprojects, the procedure for the Potential Final Beneficiaries selecting of the Programme, as well as the procedure for allocation of funds and monitoring.

In accordance with the Finance Contract requirements, the PPM has been submitted to the European Investment Bank for the acceptability approval.

The Bank's approval is expected as soon as possible, and the Potential Final Beneficiaries of the Programme will be informed additionally.

Informing, that Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Programme, which implementing jointly with the European Investment Bank according to the Finance Contract signed on July, 23 2017 (ratified by the Law of Ukraine from 03.02.2016 № 975-VIII), is envisaged to attract 400 million Euros for the infrastructure modernization of Ukraine housing and communal services in the following areas:

  • district heating
  • water and waste water
  • energy efficiency in buildings
  • municipal outdoor lighting
  • solid waste management.