About UMIP

The Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Programme (UMIP) is a multi-sector investment Programme developed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) together with  the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (MRD) and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (MoF). The European Investment Bank entered into a Finance Contract with Ukraine on 23rd of July, 2015, to provide a framework loan of €400 million for municipal infrastructure projects. The Contract was ratified by the Law of Ukraine on ratification of the  Finance Agreement (Project "Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Programme") between Ukraine and the EIB, which was enacted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 3nd of February, 2016.


The UMIP provides financing to the Final Beneficiaries  for municipal infrastructure projects in five sectors:

  • district heating,
  • energy efficiency in public buildings,
  • municipal lighting,
  • water supply and wastewater,
  • solid waste management.


The Final Beneficiaries include central or local state administrations, bodies of local self-government and state and communal enterprises including enterprises  which have majority state or communal participation.

The first step in setting up the Programme was the first Call for Proposals initiated in February 2016. The Programme Management Support Unit (PMSU) was established by the MRD in 2016. Overall, 192 applications were received by the MRD at the beginning of 2016.


At the moment, the selection of Potential Final Beneficiaries has been completed:

  1. July 2016 (stage 1: “Eligibility screening”) - a list of eligible Projects was formed based on the results;
  2. June 2017 (stage 2: “Project quality and relevance screening”) - resulted in the list of Preliminary UMIP Potential Final Beneficiaries (28 Potential Final Beneficiaries);
  3. July-August 2017 (Phase 3: Assessment of the financial standing of Potential Final Beneficiaries) - the final version of the UMIP Preliminary Projects List  (22 Potential Final Beneficiaries) has been finalized.
  4. July 2019  - UMIP Projects List approved (version 3)
  5. December 2020  - UMIP Projects List approved (version 4)
  6. April 2021 - Updated UMIP Projects List approved (version 5)
  7. September 2021 - Updated UMIP Projects List approved (version 6)

Overall UMIP organisation

The UMIP is operated by a number of different stakeholders. The following UMIP structure presents the key stakeholders and their roles in the UMIP implementation. The structure aims at assuring the clear and transparent processes for the UMIP implementation.

Project cycle

Project Identification

The Project Identification process is the first stage of the Project cycle under the UMIP and was initiated, with the first call for proposals published on the MRD webpage in February 2016. Applications received from Potential Final Beneficiaries build the basis for the identification of eligible proposals. The eligible applicants are then invited to present additional supporting Project documentation to perform the Project Quality and Relevance Screening in accordance with the Programme Procedures Manual (PPM).