
  • Call for proposals
  • Submission of applications

Project Screening
and Selection

  • Evaluation of applications and projects selection


  • Feasibility Study
  • ESIA
  • Procurement plans
  • Technical assistance for project implementation


  • EIB due diligence
  • Allocation of projects under EIB loan
  • Loan Transfer Agreement with Sub-borrower


  • Preparation of design and tender documents
  • Procurement
  • Disbursement under UMIP loan
  • Construction and supply
  • TA for project implementation including construction supervision
  • Project completion, commissioning and defect liability


  • Monitoring and verification of outputs and outcomes
  • Project impact assessment

The UMIP is implementing Projects based on the Finance Contract between the EIB and Ukraine. The Project cycle and related implementation procedures are following the EIB requirements and the national legislation related to Projects implemented with funding of the International Finance Institutions.


Project Identification

The Project Identification process is the first stage of the Project cycle under the UMIP and was initiated, with the first call for proposals published on the MRD webpage in February 2016.

Applications received from Potential Final Beneficiaries build the basis for the identification of eligible proposals. The eligible applicants are then invited to present additional supporting Project documentation to perform the Project Quality and Relevance Screening in accordance with the Programme Procedures Manual (PPM).


Project Quality and Relevance Screening and Project Selection

Within the Screening and Selection stage, the submitted Project documentation is undergoing a quality assessment according to the requirements described in the PPM. The assessment is carried out by an evaluation team, which includes national and international experts from the specific infrastructure sectors. The composition of the evaluation team is approved by the Steering Committee (SC).

The results of this stage are published on the MRD webpage.

The next step is the financial assessment (according to the paragraph 4.5 of the PPM) performed by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The final version of the Preliminary UMIP Project List, finalized based on such assessment, is submitted to the Steering Committee for review and approval, after which the PMSU informs each Potential Final Beneficiary about further steps.


Project Preparation

The Project Preparation stage consists of the preparation of Feasibility Studies, Environmental and Social Impact Analyses (ESIA) and other relevant studies and permits that allow EIB to perform their Project due diligence. The Project Implementation Units (PIUs) established by the Final Beneficiary will be responsible for the Project Preparation on behalf of the Final Beneficiary.


Project Appraisal and Allocation

Regarding mature projects, approved by the Steering Committee, allocation request to the EIB in frames of UMIP have to be submitted, after which they are subject for the European Investment Bank due diligence. Projects that passed the EIB due diligence are subject for EIB allocation offer.

A Loan Fund Transfer Agreement is concluded after the approval of such projects’ detailed design, as well as the reception of the Regulator’s positive decision from.


Project Implementation

Project Implementation is the stage, where the Projects approved by the SC and positively estimated by the EIB, for which a Loan Fund Transfer Agreements were signed, are implemented in accordance with the agreed investment volume, and time schedule (Action Plan on Implementation).

The full responsibility for the success of this stage is on the PIUs, on behalf of the Final Beneficiary.

PIUs and Final Beneficiaries have to ensure that all tender documents for works are prepared according to international procurement requirements. In case of lack of qualified staff and experts, PIUs can procure Consultants to assist with the Project Implementation.

The PMSU monitors the tendering processes and the Project implementation, while Project supervision and Project implementation is the responsibility of the Final Beneficiary/the PIU or their representatives.


Project Completion

In order to ensure a quality monitoring process, PIUs are required to regularly submit reports to the PMSU on the Projects’ progress, as well as to facilitate audits of Project accounts, as defined by the PPM.

Upon Project Completion, the Final Beneficiary/PIU ensures the preparation and submission of the Final Report with the relevant supporting documents to the MRD/PMSU. Three years after the submission of such report, updated information on the monitoring indicators must be provided.