The UMIP is implemented by a number of different stakeholders. The UMIP structure presents the key stakeholders and their roles in the UMIP implementation. The structure aims at assuring the clear and transparent processes for the UMIP implementation.


European Investment Bank (EIB)

The European Investment Bank is the lending Bank and provides loan funds in the framework of UMIP to the Final Beneficiaries. 


Steering Committee (SC)

The Steering Committee is established to the satisfaction of the Bank and comprise representatives of the MRD, MoF, the Regulator, PMSU, and other stakeholders. The SC is responsible for high level Programme management and supervision, and will ensure that the progress is made towards achieving the Programme goals and objectives. EIB can participate in the SC as observer.


Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (MRD)

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine is a sectoral line ministry responsible for UMIP Projects’ implementation, as well as overall supervision, including Projects’ preparation, monitoring and evaluation, and review of Projects’ results.


Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (MoF)

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine is the central financial government agency, which coordinates all financial aspects of the EIB framework loan and proceed with disbursement request and payments related to the Project. 


Regulator (NEURC or city councils)

The Regulator reviews and approves investment programs of the utility companies supported by UMIP and includes the investment components in tariffs. Either the national Commission for State Energy and Public Utilities Regulation of Ukraine (NEURC) or a City Council can act as a Regulator depending on the situation.


Programme Management and Support Unit (PMSU)

The Programme Management and Support Unit is responsible for the overall coordination, monitoring and reporting, and for providing support to the PIUs with issues related to Projects’ procurement, financial management, implementation and other aspects relevant for communication with the EIB. The PMSU includes the staff of the MRD supported by a Consultant’s team. The Technical Assistance (TA) at Programme level is rendered to strengthen its capacity for Programme management and control during the Programme implementation period and the whole Project cycle. The PMSU is responsible for the UMIP implementation related activities, including disbursements, procurement, financial management, environmental and social safeguards, assistance in Programme coordination and general monitoring of the implementation on day-to-day basis.


Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

The Project Implementation Unit will be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Projects on the local level, including preparation of Project documentation, technical specifications and tender documents, service contracts, leading procurement process according to the EIB guidelines, financial management, monitoring of works performed, and relevant reporting. The PIUs will be supported in these efforts by the experts from the PMSU and Technical Assistance. The TA support for PIUs will be rendered to address any knowledge or experience deficiencies regarding the preparation, implementation and monitoring of projects. The PIUs will be created by and established within each Final Beneficiary.


Final Beneficiaries

The Final Beneficiaries are central, regional or local government agencies, public utilities and municipalities, as well as state and municipal companies (including companies with a larger share of state or municipal capital) selected to participate in the UMIP. 


Further details about the UMIP structure, stakeholders, roles and responsibilities as well as specific implementation processes are described in the UMIP Programme Procedures Manual (PPM), which is considered an integrated part of the Finance Contract between the EIB and the Ukrainian Government. The latest version of the PPM can be downloaded via the link.