Thermomodernization of the public buildings in the city Zaporizhzhia

Zaporizhzhia city
Zaporizhia Region
Energy efficiency

Estimated cost

18 450 840  EUR

Brief description:

Thermomodernisation of 14 buildings of public healthcare sector and 46 buildings of public education sector

Activities include:
insulation of exterior walls, replacement of windows and doors, insulation of roofs, insulation cap, insulation ceiling basement, restoration of drainage system, installation of local ventilation systems with heat recovery, reconstruction of the ventilation system with the establishment of a central heat exchanger, warming pipeline supplying and reverse pipelines heating systems, installation of heat meters , installation IHS, balancing heating net valves, washing heating system, reconstruction of two-pipe heating system with an installed  thermostats, replacement of  incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient, setting  the door-closing mechanisms,  measures for energy management and energy audit, replacement of cooking stoves to modern.


Zaporizhzhia City Council

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